
Considering the rapid changes to which transmission and distribution networks are subjected, and the ever-shorter expected useful life of numeric protection relays, the requirement for network protection performance audits as part of the lifetime management of protection systems is becoming a necessity. The capability and availability of steady state single frequency phasor-based power system and protection analysis software packages now make it possible to undertake “wide-area” protection performance audits. The scope of the working group was to cover the possibilities, advantages and requirements for utilising proprietary power system and protection analysis software for undertaking protection performance audits of transmission and distribution systems involving hundreds or thousands of protection devices.

Additional informations

Publication type Webinars
Reference WBN035
Publication year 2021
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Protection and automation (B5)
Working groups WG B5.47
File size 1 MB
Pages number 47
Price for non member 50 €
Price for member Free





protection, automation

Network Protection Performance Audits
Network Protection Performance Audits