
The TB presents the present developments of power semiconductors, with lower losses, higher switching frequency, converter modularization…, and their new application areas, in order to propose and evaluate new or enhance equipment for increased system efficiency.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 337
Publication year 2007
Publisher CIGRE
ISBN 978-2-85873-025-4
Study committees Transmission & distribution equipment (A3), Substations and electrical installations (B3), DC systems and power electronics (B4)
Working groups JWG B4/A3/B3.43
File size 6 MB
Pages number 120
Price for non member 220 €
Price for member Free


Dirk Westermann, Convenor (DE)

Colin Davidson (UK), Yanny Fu (NL), Lorenz Müller (CH), Stig Nielson (US), Peter Steimer (CH), Masahiro Takasaki (JP), Michael Weinhold (DE)

Increased System Efficiency by Use of New Generations of Power Semiconductors